Tattoos and Hibiscus

Tattoos and Hibiscus

                                             The Tattoo Artist meets the Tea Maven

How do the two connect?  For years I had dreams of owning a tea business and I dreamed of having a beautiful tattoo.  Both seemed unreachable initially but in actuality they were both achievable, once I made the decision to move forward.

For years my mother was discouraging about the idea of a tattoo but once I ventured into the tea industry and chose my grandmother’s name as my brand name, my mother was totally onboard.

I eventually found the tattoo artist that I felt comfortable with and we discussed my tattoo desire.  Our conversation led to a disclosure about his love for tea and his health condition of hypertension.  I shared my knowledge of tea leaves, spices and botanicals, which lead to a discussion about hibiscus.  Now, mind you, I must make a disclaimer that I am not a physician, however I was able to share my knowledge of Hibiscus and its health benefits.


Hibiscus Tea protects with antioxidants.  The Hibiscus plant is rich in antioxidants such as beta -cardene, vitamin C and anthocyanin.  Hibiscus fights inflammation, LOWERS BLOOD PRESSURE, lowers cholesterol, promotes weight loss, fights bacteria and supports liver health.


JOSiE’S TEAS has the following teas with Hibiscus:

     Blueberry Hibiscus

     Strawberry Hibiscus

    Raspberry Rose Petals

   Cray Mountain Berry


This Hibiscus sharing story was how a customer bond was established


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